



BURN & TAILOR is a multidisciplinary creative design studio. We help you build brands and visual identities.

We create graphics, websites, digital applications and experiences. We illustrate, create animations and design interiors. We do research and give advice on strategy and creative management. 

We strive to create lasting value and functional design for your business. In order to do that we constantly expand our network of freelancer creatives and communication consultants, so we can do many tasks at hand under one direction.

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We think the most productive way to work together is in non-hierarchical, friendly co-operations. We align our goals with your’s and work on the design challenge at hand thusly. To ensure quality outcome we ask tough questions and do throughout research. To give our everything, we thrive with partners who are motivated and quality-oriented.

We are able to work with communication departments or directly with owners or managers. Our team is flexible and has a history of working as extension to already existing creative teams or design studios.

We look at design not only as a tool to solve “problems” but more profoundly as means to realize unseen potentials and reach ultimately better states.


who we are

Tamas Szabo


Tamás has a Masters degree in Communication studies – has a background in art, linguistics and philosophy on the side. Before co-founding BURN&TAILOR he worked as a freelancing graphic and motion designer.

Tamás teaches Design theory and Art philosophy in the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He has a strong interest and active research in the fields of human behavior, psychology, evolution, social sciences as well as the future of design and commerce.

He is an avid road cyclist and randonneur, often challenging himself to ultra long distance rides.

Judit Bernat
Judit 34_ee


Judit has a BA and MA degree in Communication and Media studies and has a background also in journalism.

Previously she worked as a designer in a number of different industries including printing, film industry and event organization. A focused yet diverse background that helps her excel without contradiction, whether it be illustrations or front-end development.

She has a passion for social sciences, an academic and self driven research into social theory, sustainability and design ethics. A practicing minimalist, permaculture and biodiversity enthusiast she aims to be future-proof.


We value intelligent, creative, culturally and environmentally conscious work. Our goal is to become productive partners to like-minded people from cultural industries, education, science, fin-tech and not-for-profit institutions.

We respect the impact of visual culture and design on contemporary life and take our role as designers seriously. We believe that design can guide human behavior, therefore we collaborate in efforts that do not abuse this relationship.


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