IT Research Institute
Branding, Logo Design, Print, Web DesignIT Research Institute
Complete brand and visual identity design for MTA SZTAKI the largest science and research institute in Hungary.
We were approached by the Head of Communications, Dániel Pintér Gergő, with whom and his team we worked closely during the entirety of the project. Dániel initiated within the institute an all-encompassing overhaul of the existing outdated identity and wanted a partner to elaborate and execute on the design.
Our team functioned as a flexible extension to the communication department, a sort of outside in-house design crew for the duration of the project. That was around over a year in total.
Beyond their corporate employees, our design reaches around 20-50 thousand people a month.
Among all the design we created, central was the logo, created with our partner for the task – Balázs Csizik.
As an immediate followup to the core of the branding project, we designed a logo-set for all of the research branches within the institute. These logos were direct mutations of the main SZTAKI logo and all were crafted in a personalized manner, overseen and approved by the research labs themselves.
We developed “smart” stationery: branded templates that can flexibly take up various texts and data, easy to edit/print for ongoing use.
We designed a responsive web page in tandem with their internal team of developers who coded the concepts.
Furthermore the standard corporate visual identity assets were designed, and overarching instructions for the use of the identity was provided in the form of a brand book.